Adventure to the beach of Goa, beach of the Arabian sea.
Translation ~ " Eleventh minute decision: With backpack on my back, with a dash of adrenalin rush, to travel I go!"
As now I vividly recall, that moment, I've just finished my 3rd continuous assessment. I was planning to spend my 5 days holiday for revision and get ready for the coming new block(Endocrine system).
With delight post-examination heart I walked down the pavement and heading to my room, I met my neighbor+senior, Aidil Yusof. As they were having holidays too, he invited me to join his trip to a wonderful place call Goa. Well~Deep inside, I know the budget$ part will not compensate with my desire to join him... Just when I was paraphrasing my sentences to incline his invitation, he mentioned that few of my classmate will join the trip too and the transportation and hotel budget will be reduced!
I dash back to my room and phoned my parent for permission...
Then OFF TO GOA I'll go tomorrow evening!
The master mind of the trip, Aidil.
We rented a minivan, Safwan, with peace posture V(^^), our USMKLE vice student representative,
& Fakih Khan, with cap, monetary MasterMind of the trip.
After trapped for 5hours in a SHAKY&ROCKY Minivan + motion sickness, Old Hindi movie and a plastic bag full of puke, WE FINALLY REACHED!!!!!!!!!!
A picture of nine of us at the beach, under the serene moon.
Looking across to the Arabian sea, and the power display of the full moon on the restless waves on the beach of Goa.
Really have to thank Izu for taking this picture.
From anatomy right, Me, Wan Afiq, AlHafiz, Sawfan, GreenHulk Aidil, Nabil, Zharif and Fakih.
AlHafiz and Fakih,
Displaying the 'kung-fu' that they learned from the old Hindi Movie(Singham) while we're on our way to Goa.
They say Newton would cry if he watched that movie...
Then one of them(Which I wont tell who is he) had to go back to hotel, for his pants had teared while displaying the KungFu.
The Medusa, and the brave warrior Zharif... Covering his eye from Medusa's stone curse, with the mission to cut Medusa's head!
Sunset view
Medusa's spell...
Medusa: "Immortal I will be, Stone you shall turn!"
Then Medusa was de-headed.
Thank you Aidil for taking our Photo,
Under the Beautiful sunset view of Goa beach.
Question that came out in my mind at that moment : "A sun will take hardly about 5 minute to set. So, how many sunset is there in our life, and how many of them would we appreciate, only for that 5 brief minute?"
We're blessed with nice things around us and it's up to us whether to appreciate it or not.
Then Aidil brought us to Go-Cart race!
I call this part~ The deadly valley.
Before racing, rules~~~LOOSE HAIR ??
With a notice board there stating:"You crash, you broke, you pay..."
But this game is indeed stimulates the release of maximum catacholamine from my Adrenal Medulla...
Especially the spilt moment when I have to decide whether I want to overtaking the car in front or risk to crash, break and pay... hahaha...
Happy Buffday Aidil~~~~!!!
This is Aidil's second birthday spending in GOA! WOW!!! XD
Wish for Aidil: May him be healthy and happy, May him take care of himself happily.
Back to the medusa part. After de-headed...
The head will be used as the figurehead of the boat, to scare away nasty sea creature.
Apparently, as a Super-Medusa.
We are STILL waiting~~~~~
When they finally arrived...
cephalic phase of salivation!!
Right Wan Afiq~?
For me, Goa is a food paradise. XD
And then souvenir...
Shells, you captured the sound of the beach...
The first sound box that ever exist.
Fancy restaurant I would say...
And a plate of fancy 'eat-will-broke' seafood spaghetti!
Behold, The Beach of Goa!
And Behold, The Bachelor!!! Muahahaha!!!!
For dinner anyone? XD
FIRST Lobster ever had in my life.
Zharif bought 1 lobster & 9 of us share eating it!!! XD
1gram for Rs15...
Wow~ !
Thank you Zharif!!!
FIRST Lobster ever had in my life.
Zharif bought 1 lobster & 9 of us share eating it!!! XD
1gram for Rs15...
Wow~ !
Thank you Zharif!!!
This is huge
Our Room!!!
AlHafiz @ Bright smile and peace posture!
Izu Khan's Room!
With Peace posture~
3 people sharing 1 room!
& Most of all...
I really miss them!!!
Just in India:- Did u notice the VEGETARIAN Zinger burger?
Of course, full of veg~
Late night...

2.50a.m. Caught on beach!
Go-home time...
Trip to Goa is indeed an unexpected one and an amazing eye opener.
The best part is that I spent my time with my friend, and knew that our bond will be stronger than before...
The best part is where I get to touch the sea water...
Knowing that Granny will always be with me...
And send my regards via the wind and the tides to my family back in Malaysia.
:) Wow, it sounds like paradise. I shall go next time :)
ReplyDeleteEnjoy yourself to the max there! =D