Sunday, May 27, 2012

Heart Sutra

Gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha

Picture taken  nearby USMKLE campus, on my way back to hostel                              

Friday, May 4, 2012

The Flame of Belgaum

With a curious sight the local passers-by look at me with my handphone on my hand, capturing the picture of the flame of forest (India native tree) under the bright hot sun. They even astonished and open their eye wider as I approach them...
"Sir, would you be so kind to snap a picture of me together with the lovely flowering trees of your country?"
Then under the bright hot sun, the local passers-by took a picture of me with the extravagant display of the flame of forrest.
I thanked him and he wished me a good afternoon...

These tree has remains dormant for the past winter, where the sun barely shone and the frequent visit of the brutal cold wind.
But when the time has come, the scorching summer sun shine on them, like the spark that starts the flame, demarcating the season for the the flame of forest to bloom. 

A small lane nearby our campus' coffee shop~
accompanied by the welcoming display of the amazing flame of forest.

sometimes, they confused me whether their leaves are green or red in colour.

Picture of a Flame of forest tree near coffee shop

Picture of a flame of forest near charaka hostel

Summits and bottoms,
The spinning wheel of life, 
Only death may stops.


  Regarding the post "Like if you agree",
My friend Adib states that NEVER judge a lips by its' look. He also claimed that he have a top quality kissing lips. 
"This is a succulent, tender, alluring and kissable pair of lips that no one can defeat it" says him.

You may testify it if you dare~

"The Near-Chocking-state of my another friend Afiq upon seeing the lips king displaying THE lips."
-with the amazing chicken cheese burger & USM-KLE special coffee milk shake.

Enjoying the sun sweetened green grapes.
Alas, the end of its' season...

What is a nice thing if it wouldn't come to an end?
What is appreciation without separation?